What Me Worry? I’m a Mom, it’s my job!

College grad at last!
College grad at last!

This summer, my last college graduate is home doing what many recent college grads do, hunting for a job. (She’s a telecommunications/marketing major if anyone is hiring!)

As I watched her cross the stage to get her $100,000.00 piece of paper, I couldn’t ignore the  movie playing inside my head of all that’s passed and brought us to this day. First steps, first tooth, first haircut, first day of pre-school, first day of kindergarten, 5th grade “graduation.” Then there’s the Jr. High years, we’ll skip those. First high school dance, date, parties and high school graduation. Like all high school grads there is  reticence about choosing the right college, and ultimately she found her dream college, was accepted and I became an empty nester. (Insert happy dance here).

This was the fourth time going through this process and no matter how many times I’ve been through it, I worried every step of the way. From the time they were born, I’d lie in bed praying for their safety, their happiness, making the right choices, and on and on. I now have 4 adults and the worries are no less.

One of my favorite Mom stories happened with my 3rd son. We were heading down to visit a college and we were waiting to get on a tram to take us to our destination. The tram pulled up, doors opened and I dropped something. While picking it up, the doors closed to the tram and my son was on it with out me.  I screamed his name at the top of my lungs,”M-I-T-C-H!!!!” A couple of people ran over to ask what was wrong, I said, “My son, he’s on the tram without me. ”  They asked, “How old is he?”  At that moment I realized how awkward this situation was. I replied, “19.”  Of course they looked at me not quite sure what to say. Finally, one woman said, “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”   When I connected with my son, all he could say is, “Mom, that was embarrassing. I could hear you screaming.”  I tried to explain it was simply a worried mother. He didn’t buy it.

My boys with their worrywart Mom.
My boys with their worrywart Mom.

Just last night, my daughter was out. I didn’t sleep well until I heard the door unlock, listened to her footsteps as she made her way to her room and the safety of her bed,  lights out.  Happy Mom.

My Grandmother told me, “Sweetheart, no matter how old your  kids are, a mother’s worry never ceases.” I’m reminded once again how smart my Grandmother was.


Here’s to never wishing for more time, rather making the most of it.


3 responses to “What Me Worry? I’m a Mom, it’s my job!”

    • I’m glad you loved it Sophia. It is true and the older you get you start thinking about grandchildren that you’ll worry about! Oy vey!!

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