9 Ingredients, 6 Meals!

 Amazing breakfast, amazing health benefits!
Amazing breakfast, amazing health benefits!

Very often when I am out of town lecturing, time is tight and I find myself  trying to eat as healthy as possible on the road. Sometimes it can be tough. I’m especially mindful of avoiding sugar and salt simply because with travel, those just add to any low energy you might experience. If I stick closely to mixed nuts, plenty of water,  fresh fruit and salads, I feel great and my energy level stays consistent.

This past week I was lecturing for AFPA in Ocean City, Maryland. For those of you on my Reality Fitness Fan Page, you saw how gorgeous it was! The beauty of this conference is I’m able to stay in a hotel that has a full kitchen. So prior to the hotel, my cab driver was nice enough to stop off at the grocery store and let me grab some healthy staples for my weekend. I wanted to share with you how easy and yes, inexpensive healthy eating CAN be.

I bought mixed nuts, raw, 3.99. Fresh blueberries (couldn’t find organic) 3.99, Bunch of organic Spinach, 3.49, red pepper (1) 1.20, 1/4 carton organic eggs (split with a friend), 2.00, gallon of fresh water .99, oroweat sandwich thins, 3.19, fresh pico de gallo, 2.99, 2 cocounut milk yogurt, 3.00, smoked salmon, 8.00. So for around 35.00, I ate 3 lunches, 3 breakfasts and a couple of snacks in between. Had I gone out to eat, averaging 10.00 per meal, which is conservative, it would have cost me at least 60.00, plus the additional snacks. I had plenty to eat, felt amazingly sated and realized that we get so caught up in getting enough food, we don’t often pay attention to the quality OR the quantity.

I encourage you to seek out your healthy options. I was able to make that many meals out of those basic ingredients and was reminded that great tasting, healthy eating doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Given that it’s about about HOW MUCH food you get for your money, try thinking about how much are the health benefits you get for your money. If you weigh it out, your health is worth significantly more!

Here’s to your health!


Be sure and check out my recipe book for some great ideas on healthy cooking.

7 responses to “9 Ingredients, 6 Meals!”

  1. Wow! What a great post Nicki! There is no excuse not to eat good, even when you’re travelling –

  2. Great ideas here Nicki – funny, because I just came back from Florida, and I told my husband specifically to get a hotel with a kitchen. We ate so much better, and saved a ton of money. Thanks for all of the inspiration and positive advice –

  3. Yup, definitely – have to eat right even when on the road – NO EXCUSES GIRLS!!! Great reminder Nicki.

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