Oprah Reminds Us All That When It Comes to Weight, We’ve Got It All Wrong!

So once again, Oprah is making headlines about her weight. It seems Ms. Winfrey has gained back 40 pounds she lost and has revealed that exercise has taken a back seat to her very hectic life. Wow, there’s a revelation, life got in the way. I’ve never heard of such a thing! But the truth is that Oprah is dealing with what thousands of women and in some cases men deal with every single day. It’s just that hers is a bit more public. Somehow, when you have money and power I guess that’s supposed to exempt you from the weight issue. Clearly, it doesn’t.

Oprah is a perfect example of, no matter how much money you make, how popular you are, how lovely and powerful you may be, nothing can MAKE you skinny, nothing can magically make weight disappear, there is no magic, no “woo-woo” that money or status can buy. Even with her entourage of health and fitness experts (which by the way are all men), she can’t seem to figure it out. But in my humble opinion, she’s been given a lot of bad advice. There is no one better to understand a woman than another woman. As someone that once dealt with obesity, I get it. You’ve got someone that’s been fit their entire life, telling you to “get your act together.” Well, the reality is if you don’t have the “athlete mind” and you’re being taught like an athlete, you will never succeed. I know that because I’ve been through it.

It’s unfortunate, but what I have seen with Oprah I see everyday in my business as well as in the thousands of newsletters I receive from women all over the world suffering from the frustration and embarrassment of weight. Further, if women (or men) are successful in other arenas of their life, the fact that they can’t lasso their “ideal” weight becomes their biggest source of frustration and ironically, effort.

I am here to tell you that I have the secret, yep that’s right. I have the ever elusive answer to permanent weight loss. It’s not in the form of pills, secret formulas or ancient secrets, nope it is simply the voice of experience.

Can I tell you how crazy I get when I read all these articles that promise 50 pounds in 6 weeks, or 30 pounds in 30 days? I don’t like shows like the Biggest Loser and I think diets are hazardous to women’s and men’s mental and physical health. Why? Because all of that garbage is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Those false ads and claims have us believe that something that is impossible can be done by anyone. Not only are those false or deceiving infomercials, advertisements or television shows, they are playing people for fools and Oprah is not free from that kind of deception.

Here’s the reality, here’s the secret- shifting paradigms. In other words, it’s shifting the weight loss mindset, shifting the focus from weight to health. That’s right, stop paying attention to weight loss. Think about it, if weight loss was REALLY the reason people wanted to “get thin” they would do it. People need the right thing to motivate them to change, permanently. My friends,weight loss clearly is not the greatest source of motivation. So what is? Well, it’s something you need to explore, but bottom line it begins with

2 responses to “Oprah Reminds Us All That When It Comes to Weight, We’ve Got It All Wrong!”

  1. Nicki,
    Thanks for this post that I just received via your newsletter.

    I really needed to hear this message because I’ve been getting so frustrated with my slow weight loss. I DO need a mental shift……I need to stop focusing on the numbers on the random number generator and simply keep doing what I’m doing for my health.

    I’ve removed 90 pounds over the last few years, about 60 over the last 18 months. I have another 50 that I would like to see ‘vacate the premises’ but it doesn’t seem to want to leave quickly. I need to remember that where I am is a much better place than where I came from – and just keep moving forward – manage my frustration so that it doesn’t cause me to stop doing what has been working.

    Thanks again for your post and your newsletter. You always have something valuable to say. Keep up the great work.


  2. Nicki,

    I was waiting for your response when I read about Oprah. She is doing everything that you tell us not to do – even the wealthy should listen to you – what you say does work!!!

    I have been training with Mary since the end of August and my feeling toward food has changed dramatically-I am eating to live not living to eat. My goal when I started to train was to lower my bloodpressure and lower my cholestrol – they are both going down plus an added benefit is I am losing weight also. I feel so much better and have a lot more energy.

    Oprah should listen to you!!

    Thank you and Mary very much for all of your great advice and encouragement.


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