Gray Expectations – Full Disclosure 7

1994, short.
1994, short.

O.K. ladies let’s talk hair stories, (men feel free to chime in).

I want to talk about 3 things that many of us have or will experience, but never talk about.

First, eyebrow color change. Second, hairline cover ups. Third, hair styles, the good, the bad and the ugly.

In the eyebrow department, I’m good. But until I decided to try this gray experiment, I hadn’t even thought about eyebrows going gray. But like other hair, (other meaning a conversation for another blog) it also goes gray. Hmm. My stylist told me that people who have gray eyebrows have to color their brows to match their colored hair. Now I’m an eyebrow stalker. I always notice people’s eyebrows. Some are barely there, others that don’t quite match hair color, and of course the low maintenance ones, gray that goes with gray. Any of you in to the brow dying?

Dorothy Hamill look
Dorothy Hamill look

O.K. hairline coverage. I’d like to think I’m not the only dork here that when overdue for a hair color, resorts to my mascara to cover up those pesky gray hairs. Well, am I?  I know, I know there are professional products that cover gray between hair appointments, but when you run out, you have to have a backup plan. For me, mascara does the trick.  Leaves hair a little stiff, but no one is running their fingers through my hairline, so I’m good.

My last disclosure, the ugly of hair styles. As you can see, this lovely hairdo was inspired by Whitney Houston.

1988 July Oct054



Somehow she looks significantly better wearing this ‘do than moi.

So, how many hairstyles have you had over the years? Between bad perms, pixie cuts, shag, Dorothy Hamill, etc. I’ve had ’em all. I’m always able to tell what year it is in pictures based on my hairstyle (glasses are the same way, right?) However, there are those that NEVER change their hairstyle, they keep it the same for years.

So perhaps this gray endeavor is simply a phase that will pass, or I may find that I like it and the color will stay. No matter what I choose, styles and trends will continue in the world of hair, so I will find what I like, and try it until the next trend pulls me in.





5 responses to “Gray Expectations – Full Disclosure 7”

  1. Not only do eyebrows change color, they fade out as in where did they go…? Those nicely shaped friends have betrayed me & now need daily attention with a pencil. Tried the tinting but my hair dresser told me that eyebrow hair replaces/refurbishes itself every 3 weeks….so why bother with the color tinting?

    As for hairstyles, I think I am on round 2 of all styles possible….it happens along with clothing styles…

    Wondering if you have noticed other aspects of facial wisdom such as losing your lip definition & ears subtly appearing wiser….? Maybe you’re not there yet…..It’s a ride!

    • Deb – I hear that so often. I remember when I was in cosmetology school years ago, I couldn’t believe that older ladies had no eyebrows! Here I am a few years later and well, it’s true. So far, I’m good and yes, pencil is what I hear works well. As for clothes and hairstyles, slaves to fashion, eh? I could go on and on about other things I’m noticing! To be continued in another blog…..

  2. Well, of course I dye my eyebrows every time I get my hair done. All ten hairs. I was born with almost no eyebrows and they are very blonde and I am very lazy. This keeps me from looking like Liza Minnelli with drawn on eyebrows

    • Cyri, you’re not the first that’s said eyebrows are non-existent. If you’re a blonde, it seems more common. The advantage of being a brunette, serious eyebrowage. Of course in 7th grade you wouldn’t have envied my unibrow. Life is a series of trade-offs!

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