We Can’t Control Life, Only Ourselves

Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

Over the past two years there has been a lot. A lot. In fact so much that I kept trying to figure out how to save the world, only to weep in frustration knowing I couldn’t do anything. I’d put my head down on my pillow at night and think about all the things that were wrong, all the things that I likely was responsible for and fell asleep with a heavy heart. I found myself falling deeper and deeper towards a dark place that does little to heal or help. In an effort to find my way out, I decided to do three things in hopes of getting back to a place that is more hopeful than hopeless.

  1. Saying Goodbye Negative Social Media. A few months ago I chose to step away from the social media browse. I wasn’t learning anything, I wasn’t gaining anything, I was simply scrolling to take my mind off of all the heaviness around me. It made things worse not better. My media scrolling was part of the problem. The scroll reinforced all the bad and rarely the good. I decided that if I wasn’t learning or gaining something positive, why am I doing this? I strongly believe that social media plays a large part in our worlds problems. Though I agree it’s a wonderful way to stay in touch with others you don’t normally see, or help business owners promote their businesses, it’s more often comparative theatre. I don’t miss it. As of now I only post quotes on a couple of sites in hopes of spreading something positive, but that’s it. I’m done.
  2. Being Part of the Solution. Many years ago I received great advice from a boss. I went in to her office to complain about an issue I was having. She looked up at me and asked, “What’s your solution?” I was caught off guard which she promptly noted and followed up with, “Well, if you’re going to come in here with a problem, you need to bring in a solution or two.” That stuck with me. I’ve learned that complaining does nothing more than exacerbate the problem. Stop the complaining, and find a solution. If I don’t like something, it’s up to me to find a way to improve it. If something is bothering me it’s up to me to address it, and find a solution. There’s a lot of angry people out there, doing little in the way of seeking solutions. God Bless those that do! I know it’s much easier to complain but after awhile, complaints fall upon deaf ears, nothing changes.
  3. Focus on Healthy Choices. Although I’ve always believed in the power of healthy living, it has been reinforced over the last couple of years. I suspect all of us in one way or another have been impacted by Covid. Lives have dramatically changed, and our world is viewed through a much different lens. As I mentioned in the beginning, there is so much negativity in the air we find breathing at times difficult. Exercise helps me breathe. It clears my mind and shoots off some of those endorphins that adjust my attitude. Eating well and drinking my water all add to my arsenal of “good for you things” that help when dealing with things that are heavy or overwhelming. I’m a big believer in the power of self-care and that includes, regular activity, hydration, and good food.

The past few years have taught me that I am not in control of others or the world. I am in charge and control only me, period. If I want to change something or someone, it is me changing my perspective and how I see the situation or the person. I’m the boss of me so I can either manage myself with grace or continue to internally reprimand because I’m not doing enough. Truth is, can any of us ever do enough? I know for me, I can only do my best.

Thinking Out Loud,


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