Each week I will share with you my love-led leadership quotes and stories behind them. Each quote will directly tie into love-led leadership principles. I hope you will find these inspiring and helpful as you navigate your way through understanding the power of love-led leadership.

Your Words Are Your Actions

Your words are the preface, your actions tell the story. - N. Anderson   Have you ever crossed paths with someone who always talked about what they were going to do, but they never...

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Leadership and Legacy

"How You Lead is What You Leave"         -N. Anderson   Leadership and Legacy I’ve been thinking a lot about legacy lately. Perhaps it’s due to where I am in...

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Love Self to Love Others

“Self-compassion builds the bridge to authentic connections.” - N. Anderson   Self-Compassion and Love-led Leadership Self-compassion was a tough one for me. I was...

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Ego in Leadership

“As a leader, be careful not to let your ego guide your motivation, it may serve you, but it may...
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Welcome to L3

  Welcome   It is with such joy and enthusiasm that I share my first Love Note. I...
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Purpose Over Power

"If you are only interested in only power as a leader, you’ve misunderstood your purpose."...
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