There is no better time than the holidays to make space for grace.          – N. Anderson


The holidays are complicated. Families are complicated. We are complicated.

It’s a stressful time, and it’s easy to forget that everyone is fighting their own battle, carrying their own luggage, or experiencing a new normal we can’t see. Whatever the situation, it can lead to behavior or responses we don’t understand. When we don’t understand, we go into defense mode, and when are defenses are up, it’s hard to make space for grace.

But what if we stepped back? What if, instead of getting defensive, we got curious? What if stepping back and getting curious helped us to see things through a different lens. Maybe provide some grace where it’s needed most.


Rethinking Grace

Truth is, it’s difficult to give grace when we’re in defense mode. Withholding grace for the people whose struggles we’ll never fully understand will never serve any one well. Especially ourselves.

Grace doesn’t mean we have to agree with everyone or let go of our values. It’s simply a conscious decision to make space for patience, compassion, curiosity, tolerance, and understanding. It means choosing connection over division, even when it’s hard, especially when it’s hard.


The Gift of Grace

Grace is a choice, and it’s one worth repeating. I believe extending grace can change everything—not just for others, but for ourselves.

As you enter this holiday season, in all of its complications, I encourage you to consider the gift of grace, and give it freely. To your families. To those you don’t know or fear to know, and to you.


This holiday season, here’s to leading with love and making space for grace.









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