Love Letters

Archive for the ‘Love Notes’ Category

Your Words Are Your Actions

by nickianderson

Your words are the preface, your actions tell the story. – N. Anderson   Have […]

Leadership and Legacy

by nickianderson

“How You Lead is What You Leave”         -N. Anderson   Leadership and […]

Love Self to Love Others

by nickianderson

“Self-compassion builds the bridge to authentic connections.” – N. Anderson   Self-Compassion and Love-led Leadership […]

Help us understand who you are and how we can help


Failure As a Turning Point

Instead of looking at failure as an endpoint, consider it a turning point.     ...
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Doing Right vs. Being Right

Love-led leaders don't let the need to be right override their responsibility to do right." ...
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Crisis and Love-led Leadership

Open our eyes to see what we need to see. Open our minds to learn what we need to learn. Open our...
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