“At the core of love-led leadership lies a deep acceptance of all we are- the good and not-so-good parts. That acceptance enables us to see others as reflections of ourselves- each fighting our own battles and hopefully, in the end, lovingly returning home to ourselves.”  N. Anderson

Love-Led Leadership: Healing a Divided World Starts from Within

There’s no denying it—we live in a divided world. Whether it’s politics, social issues, or workplace dynamics, it often feels like we are more divided than ever before. In these moments of division and discord, I’ve come to realize that the only true way to shift perspectives and foster meaningful change isn’t through power, control, or force—it’s through love. More specifically, love-led leadership.

My Journey 

A few years ago, I found myself in a leadership position that, on paper, looked like my dream job. Yet despite the external achievements, something inside me felt off. I was constantly battling perfectionism, and a relentless inner critic. It wasn’t just affecting me; it was impacting how I showed up for others as a friend, spouse, mom, volunteer, and leader. I wasn’t being as compassionate, patient, or understanding as I wanted to be. I was leading with determination but not with heart.

That’s when I happened upon something that would forever change how I viewed leadership, a course through the Center of Action and Contemplation called, “Immortal Diamond”: Featuring Fr. Richard Rohr. This course taught me about the importance of finding and loving the essence of who I am, in all its imperfections. Without it, I would never see others as I see myself: flawed yet remarkable. Vulnerable yet strong. Judgmental yet ashamed. Afraid yet hopeful.  

The Birth of Love-led Leadership

I began the slow, transformative work of learning more about myself—flaws and all. This wasn’t easy. It meant confronting the parts of myself I had been avoiding for years: the insecurities, the mistakes, the vulnerability I tried to ignore. Through this journey, I found self-love and self-acceptance; something profound shifted.

When I learned to accept and embrace myself just as I am, I could do the same with others. Trust me, I’m a work in progress. I am now able (as often as I can) to see people not through the lens of judgment or dualistic thinking (good vs. bad, right vs. wrong), but through the lens of understanding and compassion. I began leading with love—first for myself, then for those around me. It continues to be a complicated though meaningful journey.

The Core of Love-led Leadership

At its core, love-led leadership recognizes the humanity in everyone—beyond surface-level differences. Love-led leaders create relationships where people feel safe to be themselves, flaws and all. Why? Because it’s how they lead themselves. It’s how I’m learning to lead myself. It’s powerful.

When I lead with love, I am better equipped to foster connection over division and understanding over judgment. Because I’m learning to see the good in others, I feel the dynamics shift in every conversation and interaction I have.


Shifting the World with Love-led Leadership 

Imagine what our world would look like if more leaders—whether in business, politics, or everyday life—chose to lead from a place of love. What if, instead of focusing on always having to win or always being right, leaders prioritized people and healing? We could see a profound shift not only in our workplaces but in the fabric of society itself.

The journey of love-led leadership starts with each of us. It begins with the decision to be kinder to ourselves, and pass that on to others, and lead with an open heart. And when we do, we begin to shift the world—one person, one conversation, one act of love at a time.


Here’s to leading with love!








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